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Astronomers were surprised after what used to be a familiar planet appeared with a new look. Jupiter changed the color of its stripes and some of its famous swirls. 

The storms created disturbances in their flow and color, which gave the planet a new look. Researchers used data gathered through NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and telescopes on Earth. 

Understanding How Jupiter Changes Color

The planet’s atmosphere contains high levels of hydrogen and helium. Methane, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and water are also present above the surface. Jupiter’s top-most cloud layer gives its colorful appearance, including the brown belts and white swirls.

Astronomers spotted the bright plumes that changed Jupiter’s colors in January 2017. The storm clouds appeared like the cumulonimbus clouds on Earth. 

The study backs a theory, called moist convection, which explains how plumes form. It suggests that the combination of ammonia and water vapor in the atmosphere helps form liquid droplets.

Condensing water in the clouds then produces heat that causes the clouds to expand and rise to higher cloud layers. The plumes then break through ammonia ice clouds, appearing on top of the atmosphere.

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