Fact whos you don't know🤔


  1.  The Sun is more than 3,00,000 (3 Lakh) times larger than the size of the Earth, which means 1 million Earths could fit inside the sun.
  2. Space is absolutely silent as there’s no atmosphere for sound to travel through!
  3. It isn’t possible to walk on planets like Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn, or Uranus as they don’t have a solid surface! They’re mostly made up of different gases.
  4. The moon doesn’t emit any light of its own. The light from the sun’s rays bounce off of the moon and reach the Earth in a matter of 1.25 seconds. This is how we get moonlight.
  5. No life form can survive if they were to enter a black hole, like the one at the centre of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Even light can’t survive in a black hole.


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