
Fact whos you don't know🤔

   The Sun is more than 3,00,000 (3 Lakh) times larger than the size of the Earth, which means 1 million Earths could fit inside the sun. Space is absolutely silent as there’s no atmosphere for sound to travel through! It isn’t possible to walk on planets like Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn, or Uranus as they don’t have a solid surface! They’re mostly made up of different gases. The moon doesn’t emit any light of its own. The light from the sun’s rays bounce off of the moon and reach the Earth in a matter of 1.25 seconds. This is how we get moonlight. No life form can survive if they were to enter a black hole, like the one at the centre of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Even light can’t survive in a black hole.

27' March, "8:30"-"9:30"pm 🌍 "Earth Hour"

'27' March, "8:30"-"9:30"pm 🌍 "Earth Hour" The event is held annually encouraging individuals, communities, and businesses to turn off 'non-essential electric lights', for one hour, from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. on a specific day towards the end of March, as a symbol of commitment to the planet! So, are you committed to our planet! . Write your thoughts in comment, questions and ideas just keep the comment section warm ! 🌍 Don't forget Earth will remain the best planet for humans for hundreds if not thousands and millions of years.

🌡Sun = 🌡Earth's core (Approx.)? Yes

🌡Sun = 🌡Earth's core (Approx.)? Yes According to current research, the temperature of Earth's inner core is approximately 5,700 K (that's 5,430°C or 9,806°F). And believe it or not, this is about the same temperature as the surface of the Sun! As the Earth cools from the inside out, the molten outer core is slowly freezing. This is leading the solid inner core to grow at a rate of approximately 1 millimeter per year. If Earth survives the death of the sun it will take 91 billion years for the core to solidify and 10's of billions of years more for the Earth to cool to the background temperature of deep space. An object as large as a planet has to allow for the escape of heat from such a large mass. The Earth's core is cooling down very slowly over time. ... The whole core was molten back when the Earth was first formed, about 4.5 billion years ago. Since then, the Earth has gradually been cooling down, losing its heat to space. As it cooled, the solid inner core f...

The Backwards Moon🌒🌒

The Backwards Moon🌒🌒 Triton orbits Neptune in what is known as a retrograde orbit. This means that it orbits Neptune a direction opposite the planet's rotation. It is the only large moon in the Solar System to do this. ... Some believe that it condensed this way from the original material of the early solar system. 👉 Follow @map_of_science_ for more scientific fact and information.

The thylacine, now extinct, is one of the largest known carnivorous marsupials, evolving about 4 million years ago👇👇

The thylacine, now extinct, is one of the largest known carnivorous marsupials, evolving about 4 million years ago. The last known live animal was captured in 1933 in Tasmania. It is commonly known as the Tasmanian tiger because of its striped lower back, or the Tasmanian wolf because of its canid-like characteristics. It was native to Tasmania, New Guinea, and the Australian mainland. The Thylacine was sandy yellowish-brown to grey in colour and had 15 to 20 distinct dark stripes across the back from shoulders to tail. Although the large head was dog- or wolf-like, the tail was stiff and the legs were relatively short. Body hair was dense, short and soft, to 15mm in length. It had short ears (about 80 mm long) that were erect, rounded and covered with short fur. Jaws were large and powerful and there were 46 teeth. Adult male Thylacine were larger on average than females. The female Thylacine had a back-opening pouch. The litter size was up to four and the young were depen...

Floaters look like small specks, dots, circles, lines or cobwebs in your field of vision. While they seem to be in front of your eye, they are floating inside

Floaters look like small specks, dots, circles, lines or cobwebs in your field of vision. While they seem to be in front of your eye, they are floating inside. Floaters are tiny clumps of gel or cells inside the vitreous that fills your eye. What you see are the shadows these clumps cast on your retina.  pc: @sourtruth

Alien hand syndrome (AHS) or Dr. Strangelove

Alien hand syndrome (AHS) or Dr. Strangelove syndromeis a category of conditions in which a person experiences their limbs acting seemingly on their own, without conscious control over the actions.There are a variety of clinical conditions that fall under this category, which most commonly affects the left hand.There are many similar terms for the various forms of the condition, but they are often used inappropriately.The afflicted person may sometimes reach for objects and manipulate them without wanting to do so, even to the point of having to use the controllable hand to restrain the alien hand. While under normal circumstances, thought, as intent, and action can be assumed to be deeply mutually entangled, the occurrence of alien hand syndrome can be usefully conceptualized as a phenomenon reflecting a functional "disentanglement" between thought and action. 👉 Follow @map_of_science_ for more